Sunday 2 March 2008

Milford appears to be finally feeling better - his appetite has returned! He had been refusing to touch his dry food and only eating some of his wet, but now he's hoovering down everything in site.

We have four more days of medicine, then we can stop torturing the poor little guy. He's still taking everything like a trooper though - doesn't hiss or try to scratch. He does recognize the pilling towel though and has a definite aversion to it!

We've discovered he hates our dryer! It's the only thing he's been scared of yet - I think it's because he doesn't know what is making the noise.

He seems happy, though a bit miffed at us for the medicine. I think he'll be friendlier once the whole thing is over!

He appears to be wary of couches/beds/tables - won't go on them on his own. I suspect he's been chased off them in the past! This is OK with me, as I don't want him on the table! We let him on the couch though, but he won't come unless we actually invite him to. He seems to greatly enjoy his couch time!

He's a real sweetie.

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